Hello there
I made this site to share my thoughts, because I feel like I occasionally think of things worth sharing, and information I find important. I'm a lover of knowledge, and I always want to spread the information I find important to as many people as possible. So thank you for reading my posts, and I'd love it if you could give me some feedback.
The Home page of this blog consists of everything I've posted, regardless of categories or labels. Mindyourfootprint is the name of my posts regarding everything ecological. I'll post lifestyle tips that can help out the earth, and a bit of sciency stuff involving the environment. It's also the name of my eco based Instagram and tumblr.Exasperatingme was the original name of this blog. However, I realized that the name attaches itself mostly to my personal life, so I should make it it's own section. So this will be stuff about me and things I find relatable.
Gems consists of individual things (funny videos, interesting blog posts, inspirational photos, danceable songs etc...) I've found around the internet that I did not create.
Links contains websites that I'd love for you all to check out
And this page, the about page, is pretty self explanatory. :)
You can also find labels in the sidebar, for further navigation options, and there's even a search bar at the bottom.
Since this is an about page, I might as well add in some info about me: Hi, the name's Debra. It's a boring name. I've only ever met old ladies with it. I like warm drinks and dislike slow walkers. I'm a flexitarian type of vegan, and I enjoy running on the weekends. I spend waaay too much time on the internet, especially Youtube, and I live in Portland, Oregon, and similar to many highschoolers who aren't social butterflies, I can usually be found at school or at home.
I hope you enjoy this blog!