Just a Manic Monday
Ah yes, an A Day In The Life post. The most cliche of all the personal blog material. Today is a Sunday, which means tomorrow is a Monday, and I will start a new week. My use of the word new is quite arbitrary. I'm sure there will be nothing new about it. Maybe I'll have one or two conversations that I haven't had before. Perhaps we'll learn another song in acapella that I've never heard. If tomorrow goes as tomorrows usually go, it'll look something like the following.
I usually wake up between 6:00 and 6:30 am. I'm lucky enough that I get a mom to wake me up instead of an alarm clock. Then I go downstairs for breakfast and tea. I accidentally spend half an hour staring at the wall and eating too much. Then I'll prepare myself more food to take for lunch. I brush me teeth and wash my face. I'll use Say Yes To Tomatoes Face Wash, then witch hazel, then Aveeno acne control face wash. I'll run upstairs and get dressed and get my backpack together. We'll run out the door at around 7:35 with my mom screaming at me to hurry up while I struggle to get my eyeliner even and grab the last 5 things I need - wait, six! Can't leave without my earbuds. Or my journal. Or last's night homework. If my makeup's done, I'll drive. If not, my mom will so I can finish it in the car.
beautiful |
I'll get to school at 8:15.
I come home on the max. Portland is famous for public transportation, but it's hard to notice anything special about it when you ride it everyday. The max is full of crazy people. Most people would list this as a negative, but I love it. I love having conversations with those who are half delusional. They're more... exuberant. On most days however, I'll simply get my homework done and listen to music.
I've already written more boring words than anyone would likely want to read, so I think I'll cut this off here. I hope you all have productive days today. Or a relaxing one. Or a fun one. At least some sort of pleasant one. Just have a nice day. I suppose that's all we can ever really wish eachother. And I hope you encounter something new (of the good sort).
If you can't read, the hat says party |