My Favorite Youtube Fitness Channels

My favorite fitness channel on youtube is SuperherofitnessTV. Her name is Kierra LaShae, and she's pretty fantastic. Her channel is mostly full of dance workouts, but she has a few other sorts of videos as well, such as snack ideas and conventional HIIT workouts. She's also worked with DailyBurn. She's a mom, a musician, and recently a vegan. I was super excited when she made that change.
She's adorable which is weird because she's a lot older than me but.. still adorable |
PopsugarFitness is pretty standard, but it honestly has some pretty good stuff. There's lot's of variety: Kickboxing, dancing, conventional HIIT, lazy girl arm workouts, but killers, everything. One of their trainers names is Rebecca Louis, who has her own channel. PopSugar also posts a ton of workouts on Pinterest that are pretty great.
Look at that body! Fitness goals yo |
Last night, my workout didn't poop me out, but it was still pretty good. I started with a quick 10 minute ballet vid I found on PopsugarFitness, just to warm me up. Then, since I felt like listening to music, I headed on over Pinterest and just found a cardio workout written out to warm me up. I put on Spotify, and then instead of jogging in place when it asked me to, I danced around my bedroom. Occasionally I'd pick up a pair of 5 lb weights during. The workout was too easy for me, so I took out the rests. If a workout doesn't suit your needs, modify it! there's no reason to follow something that's not gonna give you anything! After about 20 minutes of that, I did a 15 minute power yoga video, that I found on Youtube; I especially find yoga difficult to stay concentrated on without a guide, unless I'm at a park or something with no distractions around me (not gonna happen during the winter).
I hope the cold weather hasn't sucked all of the motivation and or self control out of you all, because those are terrible things to have sucked out of you. If it is, don't fret, spring will be here soon, but first is CHRISTMAS, and there is also always tea before the sun comes out again. Hope you're loving the season though. I truly hope you are. :)