
Embrace Bad Pop, Embrace Good Pop, Embrace your body, Forget the Time

    I thought I'd dedicate today's blog post to among the best activities ever; one I don't partake in nearly enough. The topic is: Solo Dance Parties. I had gotten on the computer for the sake of homework, i.e.; this post that I am writing right now, and instead found myself on a bad pop playlist (it started with Little Mix, who, really couldn't be called bad, someone might get hurt if they are). I had a little dance party with myself, and stuffed popcorn in my face, and for a few moments, life felt good. I know that it doesn't sound like the most important life activity, but just hear me out. It involves your whole body, burns about as many calories as jogging, is fun. It entertains and stimulates your brain. It is, in a sense, creative expression in it's purest form. Dance is using only your own physicality to express emotion and create emotion, and create something new. It's experimenting with nothing but yourself. I'm not a dancer, but I can understand where the passion that you see in professionals comes from. It's kind of an amazing thing. Now, you're probably not a professional dancer either, but when I say that this blog post is about solo dance parties, I mean ridiculous, silly, embarrassing, solo dance parties. It doesn't matter if it's not a grand spectacle, it's fun. It's a natural ecstasy for your brain. America's a pretty depressed country as a whole, and we could all use a little more happy. Dancing requires a bit of brain work as well: thinking about the movements, the rhythm, the music, the physics. And it's good for the rest of your physical body. It amps up your heart rate and strengthens your lungs and heart and thighs and calves and abs. There's not a bad thing about it. We're all so busy these days. When we're not, we're bored and staring at a screen. I'm anything but a technology hater, but it's nice to give your eyes a rest, and to use the rest of yourself instead. So forget about your homework or chores or Instagram feed. Just dance a little. I swear it doesn't hurt.

     Yaaaaas Little Mix! Salute!

Link to the thumbnail photo. (Not Mine)

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